Types Of Carbon Nanotubes Changed The Materialistic World Completely

Types Of Carbon Nanotubes

Types Of Carbon Nanotubes | Image Resource : understandingnano.com

The introduction of carbon nanotubes have completely changed the iron and steel world and have been proved much better than them. The unique features and properties of carbon nanotubes have made it stronger than the steel. The distinct components of CNT have been able to strengthen almost all materials. The perfect bonding between the polymers chains make it pretty strong.

Though the diameter of CNT is too small ranging within few diameters, it holds any material tightly. The main reason of such strength of types of carbon nanotubes is the covalent bonds which is unbreakable. The main advantage of using CNT is that it can conduct heat and electricity in a far better manner than copper.

Know varied types of carbon nanotubes and uses

Single walled CNT

The size of single walled CNT is too small. It can conduct electricity easily in a defined manner. The most appreciating features of it are semiconducting which is used in modern days solar cells.

Armchair CNT

These are completely metallic in nature. Thus this CNT possess all types of metallic properties thus best in heat and electricity conduction.

Multi walled CNT

The multi walled CNT is large in diameter. Thus it is used to conduct electricity with much aggregation. These are thicker and have great tensile strength due to tough and unbreakable covalent bonds between the particles.

Distinct features of types of carbon nanotubes properties

As said earlier, there are varied types of CNT used for distinct purposes. With the change in the size, there is significant change in types of carbon nanotubes properties. There are minor changes in chemical and physical properties of the component thus making it suitable for distinct purposes. Every size matters a lot and is very effective in knowing the varied features and qualities of the product.


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