Indian Wedding Invitations - Classy Blend Of Style And Traditions!

Indian Wedding Invitations

Indian Wedding Invitations | Image Resource :

Weddings are an important occasion in everyone’s life, for the couple getting married, their parents, family, extended family, guest etc. When someone is about to get married, people go large extents to make it a memorable and grand occasion. Everyone wants to put in their contribution. It takes a lot of time and effort to make a wedding grand and memorable.

People usually start by sending out invites, so that guest can reserve their dates and thereby be present for their occasion. Wedding invitations gives the guests a hint about the theme and scale of the wedding they will be attending thus helping them prepare. For this reason, while designing wedding invitations it is important to follow the theme of the wedding. By looking at the invitations the guests should be able to figure out what sort of event it is going to be.

In Today’s digital age, everything is going electronic which also includes wedding invitations. Throughout the world sending invitations through digital means is the latest trend. But as far as Indians are concerned they stick to traditional wedding invitations which are delivered personally to each guest.

Sending card physically to the guest, adds a personal touch to the invitation, it also makes the guest feel special and obliged to attend the event. Despite changing times and technological advancement, Indian Wedding Invitations are very much in demand.

Indian Wedding Invitations Are A Class Apart

Since India is a diverse country, there are people of several faiths living here. People of different religions have different customs and rituals while getting married. Naturally their wedding invitations will also be different. Indian Wedding Invitations can be differentiated on three aspects:

Traditional Wedding Invitations: Indian are known to be religious people, doesn’t matter which caste they belong to, everyone considers the wedding to be an auspicious occasion. Thus since wedding invitations are considered to be the start of this auspicious occasion, a lot of people prefer to have some religious significance on their wedding. Many times people have a picture or their deity a religious symbol or some religious verse printed on the wedding card. This adds to the overall authenticity of the wedding and also makes them unique.

Indian Wedding Invitations card

Indian Wedding Invitations card | Image Resource :

Regional Text: To appeal to a larger group of guest, many times the Indian Wedding Cards are also printed in Regional text. Printing the card in regional script gives it a more traditional feel. A lot people print the cards in both languages – English as well as regional.

Theme based wedding cards – Another thing which differentiates the wedding cards is the themes. Having theme based wedding is the new trend in the wedding industry. Thus for theme based wedding, invitations are also designed according to theme. Unlike, the West, Indian wedding have cultural themes, such as Rajasthani, Bollywood etc. many a times the Indian Wedding Invitations are sent with beautiful gift baskets which add to their appeal.

Get Your Indian Invitation Card With Just A Click

Getting wedding cards, is very simple there are several online retailers who specialize in providing these cards. They have years of experience, which helps them guide the customers correctly. Also if one is not satisfied with their designs and styles available, they can customize their wedding card according to their preference.

Thus with the facilities of these online retailers one can stay at home and plan an entire wedding list and pick out cards as well. Payment is also not a concern as many retailers accept payment through credit cards, debit cards and mobile wallet etc. even E slips help you purchase Indian Wedding Cards of your choice from suppliers that are trustworthy.


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