PCI DSS Service Provider for Secured and Safe Transaction

PCI DSS Service Provider

PCI DSS Service Provider | jotform.com

It is mandatory for every company who deals with debit or credit cared to adhere to the PCI DSS standards required by the council. This is to safeguard your company transactions which shares and deals with the data or information of the third party. If an entity or a company that share data of any third party, that vendor is required to comply with the PCI DSS service provider standards.

To comply with the service provider standards, for entities to whom the company outsource any task that may affect the security even if indirectly need to meet the required standards and maintain confidentialities.

Below Mentioned Are Some of The Examples of PCI DSS Service Provider

When it comes to offering card holder’s data, PCI DSS service provideris the company or entity who you outsource or manage card holder’s data also become obliged to follow the mandatory standards. For example, when a firm is hired to manage your data security, antivirus and firewalls, through they do not involve in to the data accessibility of the customers, the security company you hired need to follow the PCI DSS standards and considered as a service provider.

This is because, even when they do not have any accessibility the customer information, they could fail to secure your system. A small mistake while rectifying the security or firewall may lead to intrusions and data theft and render your system information by hackers.

Furthermore, any remote vendor who assist your internal hosting system also need to be comply with the PCI standards since you are providing accessibility to administrative level. Here the assistant needs to provide singed attestation of compliance every year. Furthermore, you need to mentioned in the contract that it is the responsibility of the vendor to secure the information. This will further lock down the responsibilities of the third-party company.

Different level of PCI Service Provider

Based on the number of cardholders the level of the service providers or merchants are categorized into different level which are as below- mentioned.

Level 1: Merchants who deals with or process and annual Visa transactions above 6 million annually all across the channels are considered to be first level merchants. These merchants need to file ROC or Report on Compliance annually by a Qualified Security Assessor and do penetration tests and internal scan quarterly and provide AOC form too.

Level 2: Those merchants who process between 1 and 6 million transactions falls into this category. The level 2 service provider must complete a penetration test and a internal scan, quarterly. Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) is also required annually which involves an attestation of compliance for service provider’s form.

Level 3: The merchants who process 20,000 to 1 million data transactions annually are categorized into level 3 certification.

Level 4: The merchants who process lesser than 20,000 transactions are categorized into fourth level of PCI merchants and still they need to comply with the PCI standards.

You can search online to get information about several well- qualified PCI compliance consultants who are ready to help companies and PCI DSS service provider at any level of PCI compliance cycle.


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