chandana shah

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Choose From Regal Islamic Wedding Card Samples And Get A Grand, Designer Invite

Islamic Wedding Card Samples

Islamic Wedding Card Samples | Image Resource :

Islamic weddings are known for their simplicity as well as splendor, through which they make a strong impression on everyone. You will find the event to be one that is beautiful, filled with love, joy, family members, loved ones and friends. A Muslim wedding card reflects the serenity and auspiciousness of the ceremony, making it a wonderful experience for everyone. Look into stunning and attractive invitation samples to find one that has exactly the kind of beauty and glamour as you require.

Look Into Traditional Islamic Wedding Card Samples With a Modern Touch

Traditions Muslim invites always had motifs and pattern work that was basically Arabic style so that the invite’s look reflected the preferences of the Muslim community. It has profound verses or statements from the Holy Quran and was very subtle in look, style...

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Importance of Doing the PA DSS Gap Assessment

PA DSS Gap Assessment

PA DSS Gap Assessment

Not many of the primary payment card brands require payment or installment application accreditations to be served post compliance check with the PCI Security Standards Council’s Payment Application Data Security Standard (PA-DSS). The PA-DSS is a stringent rule that helps in preserving the security of cardholder data from online coercion. Various Payment applications that must adhere to the rule include web-based businesses shopping baskets, repeating energize applications and online departmental stores.

Designers hired by a vast majority of information services that possess an edge in improving and developing speedier business applications neither have the opportunity nor the experience required to perform time-and-resource based security and compliance checks. Various application dealers can’t guarantee in-house work of PA DSS gap evaluation experts. To...

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Sikh Wedding Card Samples: Some Tips For A Beautiful Card!

Sikh Wedding Card Samples

Sikh Wedding Card Samples | Image Resource :

Indian weddings are grand celebrations and Indians can never think of simple weddings. Sikh weddings are celebrated in style. Sikh wedding celebrations are known as “Anand Karaj” which means the union of atman with parmatma. The union of two souls is considered as a holy union and the wedding is always performed in the gurdwara under the guidance of the priest. Other pre and post marriage functions are celebrated with grandeur.

Sikhs are considered as a vivacious community and this is seen in their wedding cards. A wedding card is a well worded beautifully designed card. To get a beautiful card you can approach a card designer and they will help you select a best card. Sikh wedding card samples are available with them so that you just need to inform them about your preferences. Customization is possible and with just a few...

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How Important It Is to Maintain PA DSS Compliance

PA DSS Compliance

PA DSS Compliance | Image Resource :

The standard of PA DSS has been set by Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (PCI SSC), for letting payment applications dominate the procedures of accommodating, processing, and potentially transmitting cardholders’ information for settlement and approval of payment.

It is important to maintain PA DSS Compliance once the applications are sold, passed on or exceptionally authorized to outsiders irrespective of performing installment approval and settlement.

In the end if you submit your installment application for an amount that is to be utilized by your organization, the application could be approved under the PCI DSS scope. In spite of that, in the event that you sell, disseminate or approve the installment applications coming from different clients, the application needs to satisfy the PA DSS adherence rules.


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Muslim Wedding Invitation Designs: Some Impressive Patterns For Your Card!

Muslim Wedding Invitation Designs

Muslim Wedding Invitation Designs | Image Resource :

The ritual where the two people continue their journey of love as married couple is wedding. Conducted with the blessings of the god in the front of hundreds of guests, it is one occasion that stays in the heart forever. For this memorable event in your life, design a wedding card that speaks of lavishness in every aspect.

Simple Muslim Wedding Invitation Designs just for you!

Muslim wedding cards portray glitz and glamour coupled with their religious faith. Shinning shades of golden, red, green, violet and silver are some of the colors that dominate Muslim wedding invitation designs cards. The designs are beautifully done in an embossing manner.

Gold is generally used for designing the card and the background color of the card comes in two colors. White on one side and other colors on the other side.


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An Overview About Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes

Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes

Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes | Image Resource :

Carbon Nanotubes has been one of the most prolific discoveries to date. Because of constant innovations occurring it has gone on to become the subject matter of various research papers.

The advantage of carbon Nanotube

From an advantage point of view, it is light in weight. The raw materials that are needed for their production are available in abundance contributing to its enhanced popularity. One of the notable features of carbon Nanotube is that it is resistant to any form of temperature change meaning that it is bound to flourish in fluctuating temperatures. A lot of materials has filtered down to the research coupled with the process of development.

Though there are numerous benefits of it, you need to be aware of the loopholes associated with vertically aligned carbon nanotubes. In spite of a lot of...

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Pick the Best Wedding Evites Online and Spread Your Sense of Aesthetics

Wedding Evites Online

Wedding Evites Online | Image Resource :

The moment you get any online wedding invitation, you don’t spend a single moment in checking out-of-the-box messages and designs. You can’t limit all of the variables that seem so overwhelming. You may compare it with the traditional wedding invitations that charge you for every unit, but you won’t need much time in finding out the reason behind its cost-effectiveness.

For those of you that have a stringent celebration budget, it proves very expensive to follow the customary option. Wasting paper is a serious concern besides checking the cost factor. Most of the factors develop a ground for deep analysis.

This way, you will find the right opportunity of switching over to these environmentally supportive wedding evites online.

How Important It Is to Check the Wedding Evites Online:

The Evites Are Cost Effective


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An Introduction To Admixtures Of Silica Added To Concrete

Silica Fumes for Concrete

Silica Fumes for Concrete | Image Resource :

Microsilica which is better known as “Silica Fume” is basically found in powder (extremely fine) form, and gets produced as a residue from producing silicon and ferrosilicon alloy(s). Under a microscope, the particles can be identified as spheres, with the diameter of each particle being recorded at 150nm(on average). Mixed with concrete it provides better strength and stability.

What are the Silica Fumes?

Concrete is made into a reactive pozzolan when, mixed with this fine textured powder containing high levels of SiO2. Present day Contractors of concrete arguably always use Silica Fumes for Concrete (Concrete Admixture). The quality of the Concrete is improved giving it better strength and making it more durable. However, extreme precaution(s) should be taken while handling the Admixture.

One of the main...

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Notable Benefits Of Studying In B Com Colleges In Raipur

B Com Colleges In Raipur

B Com Colleges In Raipur | Image Resource :

Bachelor of Commerce or in short, B.Com is an undergraduate course through which students learn different essential subjects related to commerce. People study Accountancy, Statistics, Economics, Finance, Mathematics, Business administration, and Corporate laws while completing the B.Com course. Generally, three main commerce subjects are chosen for this course, along with an optional subject in most of the reputed colleges.

Major reasons for joining reputed B. Com colleges in Raipur

Since B.Com deals with subjects that are needed to be known for running a business, a B.Com graduate holds the capability of starting own business after passing out from the college. They gain adequate knowledge and confidence from their course materials for being entrepreneurs. Most of the successful businesspersons of this region...

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Functions and Utility of Silica Based Concrete Additives

Silica Based Concrete Additives

Silica Based Concrete Additives | Image Resource :

Concrete additives harness various properties of concrete like corrosion resistance, flow, hardening etc. They are a set of attributes outlining comprehensive strength along with quality in various construction related scenarios. Silica based concrete additives are available in physical and chemical form. Though the natural-based ones have a unique ability in modifying the properties of concrete. They have a special ability to form bonds with cement materials paving way for durable and stronger concrete.

An insight into silica concrete additives

In the construction industry additives are used because of the unique feature to impart strength and durability to concrete. The additives are put to use in varying proportions to control the hardening or setting of concrete that is needed for specific construction...

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