An Ultimate Guide To Gum Recession Treatments

Gum recession

At present, the majority of the individuals are struggling with receding gums. Fortunately, the oral condition leading to tooth loss can be cured via minimally invasive surgical procedures instead of depending on sutures, grafting, and scalping. However, for the past several years, this was only been addressed by rough conventional gum grafting. It is an invasive surgical method wherein a dentist would slice gum tissues from the back portion of a patient’s palate. This is used to shield the exposed root.

In the final phase, the palate of the patient along with the cured area is folded back together. Recover is quite painful and extensive medications are required. With the advent of new gum recession treatment, the process has become straightforward and best suited for the ones who prefer an attractive appearance thereby preventing further tooth loss.

What is meant by the term ‘Receding gums’?
Receding gums is an oral condition in which the roots of the teeth are exposed and gums are separated. This is a slow process that occurs frequently among adults over the age of 40. But, this condition is also applicable in the case of youngsters and adolescents as well. It is a gradual process and left unnoticed for many years until it becomes intense; triggering tooth sensitivity, tooth motility, and eventually tooth loss.

Some of the common symptoms that might indicate receding gums are
Root exposure
Root exposure is one of the early signs of severe receding gums, thereby making the exposed portion prone to decay.

Tooth Sensitivity
The cementum that acts as a shield over the root would become defenseless. As a result, the exposed area will be sensitive, particularly during the intake of hot and cold food items.

Tooth mobility
During receding gums, the bone beneath the recesses would lead to unstable movement of your tooth and ultimately fall, if left untreated.

Causes of receding gums
Excessive brushing
There was a common belief amongst the people that receding gums were caused due to clinching and grinding. However, advanced studies revealed the fact that brushing extremely hard or using hard-bristled toothbrushes would lead to wear and tear of the tooth enamel below the gum line. This would affect the gum tissues leading to recesses.

Poor dental care
Inadequate dental hygiene might trigger receding gums. Plaque, which contains the presence of bacteria, is accumulated over the gum line leading to severe infection along with deterioration of gum and tooth root.

Receding gums should be addressed at an appropriate time by undergoing gum recession treatments. Doing so would assist you in preventing the tooth loss and regain the overall appearance of the mouth.


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